A friend of mine read my post about getting my eyes checked and related to having glasses that haven't worked for years. She decided to have her eyes checked and found her glasses were totally wrong for her eyes.
It turned out, she got contact lenses and one eye alone now sees 75% better than before! Can you believe that? When she looked in the mirror, she saw herself for the first time in years. The funny thing is she had to remove some make-up because, with her blurred vision, she had been wearing too much!
This made me think about vision. Where do I suffer from blurred vision? How many of us are looking at life with blurred vision?
Many things cause blurred vision...
-Distractions pull our focus away from what is important.
-Busy schedules can slowly change our focus from vision to what is urgent or demanded of us.
-Spiritual dehydration: not getting a daily dose of the Word can cause vision drift.
-Success can cause us to let up on reaching for the vision.
-Not having priorities in place
"Where there is no vision, the people perish; but happy is he who keeps the law."(Proverbs 29:18) Without a clear vision, we will die inside. Our energy will be be zapped and our spiritual fervor will wane. I know, when I lose focus on the vision, I begin to work and work just to work. I start to treat life like a big to-do list and not the purposeful, God-given blessing it is.
When I began working out in the gym, I cut pictures from a magazine so I had a realistic vision of where I wanted to be. Now, I am training for a triathlon. It's a goal I can clearly see. I know when I have achieved it and what my daily routine needs to be for success.
When we read God's word and ask Him to bring the vision for our lives into focus, He does just that. He begins to show us glimpses of a strengthened marriage, a fulfilled life, obedient children and so on. The key is to make the time to seek Him, daily. He'll continue to show us the next step and equip us as we journey.
Begin to gain God's priorities (God, spouse, family, ministry and work). If you find yourself running around like a chicken with your head cut off or the tail is wagging the dog, begin to take control of your schedule. Don't allow your schedule control you.
When we do this, we thrive. Our passion is stirred, our purpose secure and our vision is clear.