Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We saw an incredible response of love in action, on Easter Sunday. Thank you for bringing items for the Mission.

Here is what happened to me when I went shopping for items...

I took the interns on a Character Retreat last week and on my way home, stopped at the North Bend Outlet Mall. I am not an outlet fan because I just don't find good deals. This was completely different!

I went here specifically to purchase items for the Mission. It seemed I couldn't give away my money! Every time I went to the counter, something else was on sale. In all three stores, I kept going to the counter, going back to get more, going to the counter and going back to get more. It was a true miracle of God.

I know God is going to bless your purchases, please share...


Dr Kenny said...

Hey Mel
First of all congrats to you and Jeff regarding Seven... a true child of prophetic promise...until reading one of Jeff's blogs about the room being exactly untouched... I remembered the scary but prophetic word email to you both...PTL how God was true to that promise when you both were so sad.
I picked this Outlets blog because I was touched by your heart for NOW and the way God responded. It blessed me and challenged me equally. Wish we could be with you at Mitosis 08 with our team, they would be blessed. We will keep you in prayer, I know it will be good, I can see that "eruption" I felt in worship with you guys, that "magma" flowing upward...You may not know it but magma is defined in the dictionary as "MOLTEN ROCK"...I see that as Rock Church (people in the MAKING) They are forming and contouring RC. I say...way cool huh? True Mitosis at work!
Stay blessed and pray for us

Dr Kenny said...

Hey Mel,
I had blog commented on your Everett Mission blog and Outlet yesterday. Don't know if it went thru, being as you are the one who approves it and post it. I was touched by your heart and challenged with your NOW approach and the testimony of the OUTLETS sales. How cool and confirming is that? I just want to say keep it up...Hope Mitosis was all and then more...I know you and Jeff are being totally blessed by your child of promise, Seven A. Knight...Finally ....God is truly great and always timely.
I saw Jeff's blogs since our visit and I remembered that word I told you about Magma during your worship service. I looked up the word "magma" and it means "molten ROCK"
How cool is that...I see that just below the surface of RC is the forming lives, Molten lives...being made into the Church....PTL
Stay blessed and looking forward to
the summer and Travis coming out
with Kat.