Monday, January 27, 2014


Recalling another amazing Jill Weekend at The Rock Church!

"Spending our freedom to help others" is a phrase Lisa Bevere engraved on my in 2009.  After knowing and being honored with her husband John, her word, life and heart melted me to the core. Jeff and I eagerly await further connection with their lives and ministry.

It was wonderful to connect with so many of our friends from around the "Great Northwest!" I enjoyed hearing your testimonies and experiencing God with you.

I was blessed by the word brought from all those who spoke. SUE BOCHARDT...I am still pumped you won the week's stay in Hawaii!!! I was screaming...couldn't contain myself!

Ladies, I am honored to pastor such an amazing host of women who are sold out and going hard after all God has! Your hospitality is strong. You always show up, in true Rock Church style, ready for God to move in your life and that of your sister. You even jumped in to volunteer where you saw a need. Your support of me was so sincere and felt. Thank you! I am amazed by you!

Let's make every 2014 Jill experience one for the history books!


Vannoys said...

Pastor Melinda-
You were AMAZING. I loved listening to you! Thank you! The word you brought really blessed me!

Messenger International said...

You are so beautiful - in every way!!!!

Keep rockin your world!!