Monday, January 7, 2008


I have just returned from a wild ride, to say the least.

Jeff and I were up on Snoqualmie Pass, snowmobiling. Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), Jeff loves speed and can ride circles around me. While sledding, one can kind of "zone out" because there is no one to chat with but the person inside your helmet and God. Great time to pray! As I was sledding, I did just that and suddenly realized we were off the straight logging roads and into back country. I found the once well-packed roads now consisted of powdery snow and only Jeff's track.

It was beautiful! As we weaved through trees, up and down hills, we found ourselves in a play area with all fresh powder. Jeff took a few runs up a slope, turned at the top and headed down. After him circling around me a couple times, I decided to give it a go. Up I went, up, up and up..well, that's a bit exaggerated but you get the point. Once at the top, I attempted to make the turn to head back down. It didn't go so well.

Jeff said, "All I could see was a flying W (both legs and sled in the air) and then you came back down." On my way down, my right foot landed in position and stuck...while my hands and the rest of my body flew off the right side of the sled. In case you are unaware, when a sled goes downhill, it accelerates in speed until; A. it runs in to something or B. it reaches a flat surface and slows to a stop.

The sled was accelerating, with my right foot still stuck on the side and my body bouncing, collecting snow! I was reaching up to hit the brake (forgetting about the kill-switch) and yelling, "Jesus, help me. Jesus, help me." Let me translate: "Jesus, take the wheel. I've already let go. Save me from my right stuck boot." All I could see was the horizon of a cliff (it was just a little drop-off but I thought it was a cliff) just ahead of me. Visions of end-over-end going through my mind. My boot wouldn't come off.

Along came my Knight in Snowy Armor who ran his sled in front of mine. He said, "All I could see was your helmet bobbing up and down along the back of the sled." I had snow packed in places I didn't think was possible and the biggest charlie horse in my right calf.

We laughed so hard, we cried. I am laughing now! It gets better. Once we got in the truck and the music came on...guess what song was playing? Yep, "Jesus, take the wheel." We laughed again. And cried.


KyleDavis said...

That is an excitting story :-)
I laughed a little then I laughed even harder when I read you were ok.
Then I laughed out loud when I read what played on the radio :-)
What an amazing memory, thanks for sharring it with us

Love ya

Melinda said...

Kyle, I can see you laughing outloud! I waited to laugh until I knew I was okay, too. Thanks for posting!

Ryan Brien said...

Mel, I can totally picture this happening as you described the event. Way to go getting off the trails and doing some powder riding. So fun!

Karen P said...

Ok, now are the rest of us supposed to take P Jeff so seriously as to have a screem, laugh and cry all in the same episode?

I too was really glad to hear that outside of snow plugs and a charlie horse you were ok, but now I'm envious.

Melinda said...

Ryan, I appreciate your enthusiasm for my powder pursuit!

Melinda said...

Karen, I don't think all at one time is necessary but it sure is hilarious!

Snowmobiling would be a great adventure for you! I am sure a motor is easier than the Seattle to Portland bike rides you used to do! Wow, that is cool.

Melinda said...

Deborah said:
It's wonderful to hear about the love and fun that the two of you share.

Being a Christian is simply the best thing.

Thanks for being who you both are in Christ.


Melinda said...

Deborah, I agree!

Being a Christian is the best thing. It is living eternity out...right now.

Thank you for your thoughts and blessing.