Monday, February 24, 2014


Ps 139:7, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?”

Do you remember the doll that was out quite a while back, My Buddy? If you do, I am sure you remember the slogan…”Wherever I go, he goes…My Buddy and Me!” Simple as it seems, it is just that way with God. In Psalms, David talks about the fact that there is nowhere we can go to escape God’s presence. His grace, His power, His Spirit is available to us, always.

So, the next time you are in a shaky situation, you feel alone or you are in unfamiliar territory, remember God is with you. It is just a fact. Whether you think you feel Him or not, He is there.

Usually, when I feel like distant from God, it is a result of something in my life. In those times, I rid myself of distractions and seek the Lord in prayer and reading His word. I remember a time when that feeling was because I hadn't been obedient to the last thing He had directed me to do. I went back and did that thing and moved on.

God loves us. He provided a way for us to be in close relationship with Him. That way is through His Son, Jesus. Because of that ultimate gift, we have a way...every time.

Wherever you go, God goes!