Thursday, April 26, 2007


I am so proud of our Fuel attenders! Last night, the room was filled with true worshipers. I live to worship God and to lead people to recognize and worship Him also. This is what happened last night.

There was such an ease. I didn't feel like we had to poke, prod or even convince. Everyone came to worship. The sound was so sweet. I believe there were people being renewed in their worship and refilled in God's presence. As a music team, we were filled up and refreshed. It was a joy to worship with everyone present.

In Psalm, it tells us to raise the roof together with our praises (Message version).
Psalm 22:3, "But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel." God is enthroned in our praises. He inhabits our praises. To the degree of our praise, is the degree God is given reign in our lives. Where do you want God to move? That is the place you need to thank Him. Thank Him that no matter what, He will see you through. Remind Him of His word and His faithfulness. Tell Him you trust Him. Remind Him that He is God all by Himself and you believe His word. Every promise. Remind Him that where He is, there He speaks and thank Him for the answers you need.

I look forward to the weekend's services. From the parking lot to the message, I LOVE to be around other passionate people!

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